Appledental Intra Oral Camera / Dental Equipments
Appledental Intra Oral Camera The Appledental Intraoral Camera is an amazing diagnostic tool for viewing different angles in the mouth that we would not have been able to just a few years ago. The Intra Oral camera gives the ability...
AP Intra Oral Camera with 22 Inch Screen / Dental Equipments
AP Intra Oral Camera with 22 Inch Screen / Dental Equipments An intraoral camera is small, pen-sized device that dentists use to take high-resolution images of the inside of a patient's mouth. The camera is connected to a monitor or...
Acteon Intra Oral Camera (Soprocare & Sopro 617)
Acteon Soprocare Intra Oral Camera The SoproCare® from Acteon ® does not only detect caries (CARIO mode), it is also the only camera that uses auto-fluorescence and selective chromatic amplification to highlight gingival inflammation and to distinguish old and new...
from ₹78,900.00
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