1. When your request is received,it'll be delivered in 15 working days.
  2. All bundles/bundles are conveyed by reputed external courier administration. Delivery costs are estimated by your entire request and your area estimate and weight. Delivery costs are carefully determined in the shopping cart and will be added to the request total before checkout.
  3. Dental Prod delivers products worldwide.
  4. Dental Prod will in any case bend over backwards to state your purchase as indicated by the assessed convention bar, we will state within the allocation at the moment that in case of unforeseen circumstances beyond our ability to control Not sure.
  5. We will deliver your item to the location displayed on your order confirmation, except that other unique game plans are made and agreed upon by us.
  6. All items will be communicated through a receipt, for which you will have to confirm receipt of these products.
  7. Dental prod will provide cargo free conveyance for orders at a predetermined amount, although those per conveyance address are relevant.
  8. Dental prod maintains whatever authority is required to make changes in cargo-free strategy without note.


We don't have return,refund and replacement policy

If you have any questions about your buying, please call or email us.

Thank you and happy buying.

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